Bad Worker

Writeup for Bad Worker (Web) - Wani CTF (2024) 💜


We created a web application that works offline.


GithubPages site with two endpoints; /counter and /fetchdata.

The counter page contains a button (Click me), which increments a counter.

The second endpoint has a button saying Fetch FLAG.txt. However, if we click the button, it returns FLAG{This is not the flag!!}.


Checking the debugger (devtools), there is a folder _framework containing files like blazor.webassembly.js and dotnet.wasm.

<script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>

I visited the Application tab and see the service-worker.js script is running.

It also says I should open about:debugging for some reason, so I do that 😃

When I click inspect, it allows me to view the service-worker.js source code.

Here's the interesting part.

async function onFetch(event) {
    let cachedResponse = null;
    if (event.request.method === "GET") {
        const shouldServeIndexHtml = event.request.mode === "navigate";
        let request = event.request;
        if (request.url.toString().includes("FLAG.txt")) {
            request = "DUMMY.txt";
        if (shouldServeIndexHtml) {
            request = "index.html";
        return fetch(request);

    return cachedResponse || fetch(event.request);

Thankfully, you don't need to be an expert in JavaScript to conclude that our request for "FLAG.txt" is being replaced with "DUMMY.txt".

I set a breakpoint at the following line.

return fetch(request);

Notice that request = "DUMMY.txt, since it was changed on line 58.

I switch to the console and set request to "FLAG.txt"

Now, if we go back to the debugger and resume execution, we'll find that the correct flag was delivered to the webpage.

Flag: FLAG{pr0gr3ssiv3_w3b_4pp_1s_us3fu1}

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