Hunting License

Writeup for Hunting License (Rev) - HackTheBox Cyber Apocalypse - Intergalactic Chase CTF (2023) 💜


STOP! Adventurer, have you got an up to date relic hunting license? If you don't, you'll need to take the exam again before you'll be allowed passage into the spacelanes!


Used ltrace and find the first password.

strcmp("420", "PasswordNumeroUno")

Try again..

strcmp("420", "P4ssw0rdTw0")


strcmp("420", "ThirdAndFinal!!!")

Remote server has additional questions, we can find answers easily with tools like file, ldd, GDB and ghidra.

nc 30590

What is the file format of the executable?
> elf
[+] Correct!

What is the CPU architecture of the executable?
> x86-64
[+] Correct!

What library is used to read lines for user answers? (`ldd` may help)
[+] Correct!

What is the address of the `main` function?
> 0x401172
[+] Correct!

How many calls to `puts` are there in `main`? (using a decompiler may help)
> 5
[+] Correct!

What is the first password?
> PasswordNumeroUno
[+] Correct!

What is the reversed form of the second password?
> 0wTdr0wss4P
[+] Correct!

What is the real second password?
> P4ssw0rdTw0
[+] Correct!

What is the XOR key used to encode the third password?
> 0x13
[+] Correct!

What is the third password?
> ThirdAndFinal!!!
[+] Correct!

[+] Here is the flag: `HTB{l1c3ns3_4cquir3d-hunt1ng_t1m3!}`

Flag: HTB{l1c3ns3_4cquir3d-hunt1ng_t1m3!}

Last updated