
Writeup for Baby Reeee (Rev) - Social Engineering Experts CTF (2022) 💜

Video Walkthrough


You've never seen a flagchecker this helpful.


from pwn import *

# This will automatically get context arch, bits, os etc
elf = context.binary = ELF('./chall', checksec=False)
context.log_level = 'debug'

# Encoded flag from .data section (offset found in GDB)
raw_flag = str([0x20f0:(0x20f0 + (52 * 4))].hex())

# Each byte of flag stored in 4 byte, so remove 3 bytes of padding
enc_flag = unhex(raw_flag.replace('000000', ''))
dec_flag = ''

for i, enc_char in enumerate(enc_flag):
    # XOR current encrypted char with loop counter, then subtract 69
    dec_char = chr(int.from_bytes(xor(enc_char, i), 'little') - 69)
    dec_flag += dec_char

info(dec_flag)  # Print flag

Flag: SEE{0n3_5m411_573p_81d215e8b81ae10f1c08168207fba396}

Last updated