XMAS Spirit Now that elves have taken over Santa has lost so many letters from kids all over the world. However, there is one kid who managed to locate Santa and sent him a letter. It seems like the XMAS spirit is so strong within this kid. He was so smart that thought of encrypting the letter in case elves captured it. Unfortunately, Santa has no idea about cryptography. Can you help him read the letter?
import randomfrom math import gcdfrom Crypto.Util.number import*from pwn import*# Original encrypt functiondefencrypt(dt): mod =256whileTrue: a = random.randint(1, mod)ifgcd(a, mod)==1:break b = random.randint(1, mod) res =b''for byte in dt: enc = (a * byte + b) % mod res +=bytes([enc])return res# Our custom decrypt functiondefdecrypt(dt,a,b): res =b''# Reverse the encrypt operationfor byte in dt:# Modular multiplicative inverse function - EAA (Euclidean) byte = (inverse(a, mod)* byte - b) % mod res +=bytes([byte])return res# http://mathcenter.oxford.emory.edu/site/math125/breakingAffineCiphers/mod =256# Range of bytesdt =read('encrypted.bin')m =unhex('255044462D')# Known Plaintext (PDF file header)# Recover key (a, b) using known plaintext and ciphertext# https://planetcalc.com/3311/a = (dt[1]- dt[0]) *inverse(m[1] - m[0], mod)% modb = (dt[0]- a * m[0]) % mod# Decryptres =decrypt(dt, a, b)# Write back to PDFwrite('decrypted.pdf', res)