
Writeup for Mineslazer (Crypto) - Hacky Holidays Space Race CTF (2021) 💜

Video Walkthrough

Challenge Description

Can you clear our path? There appears to be a bunch of mines along our trajectory. Use your laser to remotely detonate all the mines!



from pwn import *

context.log_level = 'warning'

# https://lemire.me/blog/2017/08/22/cracking-random-number-generators-xoroshiro128/
# set number of clients, then paste the result of this script as input for xoroshiftall.py
# take the next value in sequence and use as input for the solve_game.py script
# e.g. if client count is 3, use the vals in xoroshiftall and use 4th val from output in solve_game
client_count = 3
clients = []
u64_vals = []

#  _ = blank space
#  X = bomb
#  D = detonated bomb

for i in range(client_count):
    # Create new remote connection
    clients.append(remote('', '1234'))
    warning('game %d', i)
    lost_game = False
    # Try to complete a game
    for x in range(8):
        for y in range(8):
            # Make moves until we lose
            if not lost_game:
                clients[i].sendlineafter('Enter laser position: ', str(x) + ',' + str(y))
                result = clients[i].recvline()
                # Lose the game
                if b'Yikes, you hit something you weren\'t supposed to hit.' in result:
                    lost_game = True
                    # Save the correct board state - stripping anything we dont need
                    correct_board_state = clients[i].recvallS().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace('\r\n', '')
                    # Convert to binary
                    binary_board = correct_board_state.replace('X', '1').replace('D', '1').replace('_', '0')
                    info("binary board: %s", binary_board)
                    # Due to the way the nimscript set/clear/testBit works (LSB), we need to reverse each byte
                    reversed_bytes = ''.join([binary_board[k:k + 8][::-1] for k in range(0, len(binary_board), 8)])
                    info("reversed:     %s", binary_board)
                    # Convert to unsigned 64-bit int (hex)
                    u64_value = p64(int(reversed_bytes, 2), signed='unsigned')
                    warning('u64: 0x%s\n\n', u64_value.hex())
                    u64_vals.append('0x' + str(u64_value.hex()))

# paste this into xoroshiftall.py
print('python xoroshiftall.py ' + ' '.join(u64_vals))


from pwn import *
import sys

context.log_level = 'warning'

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print('please supply u64 value to generate grid e.g. 0x9585e76a11116455')

# this is the next u64 in the sequence, predicted by xoroshiftall.py
seed = sys.argv[1]

#  _ = blank space
#  X = bomb
#  D = detonated bomb
binary = f'{int(seed, 16):0>64b}'
binary_board = [binary[k:k + 8][::-1] for k in range(0, len(binary), 8)][::-1]
warning("predicted board: %s", ''.join(binary_board))

# Create new remote connection
client = remote('', '1234')

# Solve game
for x, byte in enumerate(binary_board):
    for y, bit in enumerate(byte):
        if bit == '1':
            client.sendlineafter('Enter laser position: ', str(y) + ',' + str(x))
            result = client.recvline()
            if b'Yikes, you hit something you weren\'t supposed to hit.' in result:
                # Save the correct board state - stripping anything we dont need
                correct_board_state = client.recvallS().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace('\r\n', '')
                # Convert to binary
                binary_board = correct_board_state.replace('X', '1').replace('D', '1').replace('_', '0')
                warning("actual board:    %s", binary_board)

# Flag?

Last updated