Twizzty Buzzinezz

Writeup for Twizzty Buzzinezz (crypto) - K3RN3L CTF (2021) 💜

Video Walkthrough

Challenge Description

Some bees convinced me to invest in their new cryptosystem. They said their new XOR keystream would revolutionize the crypto market. However, they quickly buzzed away so all I have is this weird flyer they dropped. Luckily it has some source code on the back." "Have I just really been scammed by some bees??

Encrypted Flag: 632a0c6d68a7e5683601394c4be457190f7f7e4ca3343205323e4ca072773c177e6e


import os
from pwn import *

FLAG = unhex('632a0c6d68a7e5683601394c4be457190f7f7e4ca3343205323e4ca072773c177e6e')

class HoneyComb:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.vals = [i for i in key]

    def turn(self):
        self.vals = [self.vals[-1]] + self.vals[:-1]

    def encrypt(self, msg):
        keystream = []
        while len(keystream) < len(msg):
            keystream += self.vals
        return bytes([msg[i] ^ keystream[i] for i in range(len(msg))])

for i in range(255):
    hc = HoneyComb(bytes([5, 70, 109, 10, 19, i]))

Flag: flag{s1mpl3_X0R_but_w1th_4_tw1zzt}

Last updated